Sunday, August 31, 2008

My race

Well, I ran my race! I posted about it on my other blog, and I really don't want to dowload the pictures again, so if you care to see, go to...


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Missing in Action

Well, I have only posted once, a long time ago. My name is Hannah. I haven't posted since then, because, well to be honest, I haven't lost any weight and I've gone through a lot of ups and downs in the "losing weight" department. But I have been working consistently since then. I still have a goal of losing 20 lbs but I don't think it will happen before I get pregnant again (unless I don't get prego in the next few months....) anyway, a bit too much info.

I have not been as diligent as I should have been about not eating sugars but I have worked my tail off. So I got frustrated and starting eating crap again bcse I wasn't seeing results fast enough. And then I'd feel sick and gross from eating all the junk and eat healthier again. It's the viscous cycle. And then my husband had pity on me (or perhaps bcse he wants to be more like Edward, the solid rock vampire that he does read....heehee, or perhaps bcse he doesn't like listening to me complain) and was inspired by one of those work out infomercials and bought this at home workout DVD program. It's a 90 day thing that is supposed to make you ripped. Plus it comes w/a very strict nutrition plan. Well, we're both going to attempt it starting it this week. And as the program states, I am not concerned about the excercising, bcse I already make that commitment anyway. It's the "dieting" that most people will struggle with. People don't see ther results bcse they do not follow the "rules" of the nutirition plan. But we're working on it together and I hope we can establish healthier life long eating habits for our entire family in additon to me losing weight and feeling healthier.

So, that is my long story. BUT I did run my first 3.2 miles yesterday for the first time ever! The most I've run is 2.5. And I only stopped for a little bit! I was so happy with myself! Such a high. So I signed up for my first 5k race in 2 weeks! I am excited, a little scared and ready to get running lots of miles!

Thank you all for your inspiration! Here's to gaining confidence (yeah, Roylinda!) and looking great. But most importatnly, feeling great!

Hello fellow Being Healthy and Loving It Sisters

Well, I have lost a total of 8 pounds in 4 1/2 weeks. Not bad I must say so myself. I have a few more to go, but I am feeling great. People are starting to notice and at first I was not happy about that. Let me explain, my first thought was "Man, I must be bigger than I thought!!!". But I have come to realize, that I truly was and that I am okay with it because I am loosing the weight and LOVING IT!! I tried on a skirt (super cute and cheap from Kohl's, I think I only paid 5 for it on clearance) I bought about 8 months or so ago and I could zip and it looked good, not great, a little tight around the hips, but I know in the next 2 -3 weeks I will be wearing it. WATCH OUT HERE I COME!!! (LOL). Any way, I hope all of you are having great success and can't wait to hear about all of your success!!

Have a great Labor Day weekend!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My bragging post

My past week was AWESOME!!! I didn't have sugar until Friday night at Island Park, along with a little on Saturday. Other than that, NONE! I drank like 80 ounces of water a day, and used the bathroom more times than I could count! I never ate after 7:00pm, and I snacked on fruits and vegies and whole grains (and a few sugar free wafer cookies, here and there). I stuck to my exercising goals, and I'm pumped for this Saturday's race. It's amazing how good I felt about myself all week long. I'm TOTALLY doing it again this week. It wasn't even as hard as I thought it would be. Once I put my mind to it, I was fine. Hopefully, I can keep up this motivation. I am trying to buy more healthy snacks to keep around the house, instead of junk. It's easier that way. Anyway- the same plan goes for this week, except a few changes in exercising.

Monday- Run 5k
Tuesday- elipticle 35 minutes...HARD
Wednesday- Run 5k
Thursday- elipticle 35 minutes...HARD
Friday- Walk 4 miles
Saturday- RUN MY 5k....IN MY RACE!

Wish me luck this week! I'll let ya know how it goes!

By the way, after my race, I'm bagging the running. Not that I haven't loved it, to my surprise, I've enjoyed it quite a bit, but I am KILLING my poor shins. They've been hurting so bad these past few weeks. I have been doing all sorts of things to help them like inserts for my shoes, stretches, ibuprofen before I run, etc., but I think the best idea is to give running a break for awhile. I'm just glad I've worked hard so I can say that I've done an actual 5k. This is big for me, since I've NEVER been a runner. It's great to challenge yourself in different ways sometimes. It kind of boosts your self-esteem when you actually accomplish something that was hard to do. Okay, Okay, enough babbling. Sorry if I was a little braggy today. I'm just suprised at how well I did this past week. We'll see if I can keep it up this week! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Another Week Down

This last week has been pretty hard for me. We went camping for three days and my kids started 1st grade today. I gained .07 pounds which is REALLY good considering all the stress and depression I have had this week. But my goal is to loss the .07 and a few more pounds this next week. I am helping a friend clean apartments for the next week and a half and that is my workout for now. I will continue to walk on Saturdays, but I won't be able to walk while cleaning apartments. I am so tired afterwards that I don't think I would survive walking also. I get a REALLY good workout and use every muscle cleaning. At least I hope I am, LOL!!

Have a great week!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hardest...ummm.. I mean HEALTHIEST 2 weeks of my life!

Okay girls. Rolyndia is my motivation here. She sounds like she's doing awesome! I'm going to hit it harder than I ever have in my whole life for the next 2 weeks! In exactly 2 weeks from today I have a race to run!!! AHHH! I ran this morning with my friend, and we decided we needed to buck up and start running at the time of the actual race....9:30am. It was SO FLIPPING HOT! I was impressed that I made it in 33 minutes and 10 seconds with how hot it felt. It was actually a pretty cool morning compared to other days too! Anyway, I am going to be completely strict for 2 weeks, and see where that leaves me. I'm not going to step on a scale until my RACE DAY. I'm not too nervous about winning the race, beacuse I don't really care about beating anybody else in this race, I just want to beat MY OWN time. I am going to drink tons of water too these next few weeks. I think this will help. Everytime I even THINK about snacking, I'm going to take a big drink first. I am also going to be strict on not eating after 7:00pm. And...Last but not least... NO SUGAR. I have purchased a couple of sugar free snacks to keep me going when I NEED something sweet. Other than's off limits! I'm going to Island Park with my Young Women next weekend, and that will probably be the hardest time for me. Anyway, as for exercising this next week, it will go like this:

Monday: Run 1 mile- Walk 4 miles
Tuesday: Run 3.1 miles at 9:30
Wednesday: Elipticle 30 minutes and toning 20 minutes
Thursday: Run 3.1 miles at 9:30
Friday: Run 1 mile- Walk 4 miles
Saturday: Take Young Women on a hike
Sunday: BREAK!!

Wish me luck everyone. This could be the HEALTHIEST two weeks of my life if I can stay motivated!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Home and. . . healthy

So, life has been absolutely crazy, but I believe it will begin to be normal again - a perfect time to start again. I actually haven't been doing all that bad. I have pretty much given up diet Coke (a recent addiction) and due to the lack of sweets in my house (and the lack of money to buy more) I haven't been too bad at eating sweets either. My 1 sweet tooth is for Otter Pops. Those things are fabulous. With only 25 calories per pop, they totally hit the spot, and they have water in them, too! :) So - there's my tip. Eat an otter pop! Plus - your kids will love them. And they're only like 4 cents a piece! Much better than a candy bar at 60 cents a piece with 350 calories!!!

OK - off my soapbox. Since life is starting to calm down, I am going to tell everyone my goals and start sticking to them. I am going to begin by exercising every day. Since I don't know what my hubby's schedule is, I will just go as follows. If he opens - I will do my workout video (it's Turbo Jam - it kicks butt!) or go walking with the ladies in the neighborhood. If he closes - I am going to go running. There's a 3 mile loop that we walk that I would love to be able to run. As far as eating - that's usually not as bad as not exercising, but I'm going to stock my fridge full of fruits and vegis and whole grains. In order to be truly honest about this, I'm going to follow the example of others and write EVERYTHING down.

OK, that's all. And a quick get to know you from me in case you missed it earlier - I am an almost 25 year old mother of 2 (Sara is 1 and Kirk is 3). My husband and I live right by Layton, UT where he works in retail. I am a stay at home mom. :) And here's an updated pic. I think I look gross and fat (especially next to my skinny hubby and kids) but maybe that will motivate me to keep going - so that all of you can see how skinny I get!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Feeling Good

So I have been at this now for two weeks and I have lost 7 pounds so far. I have 28 more to go. I am excited and enjoying the walking and the attempt at running. I have been eating healthy and writing down EVERYTHING I eat. It has helped a lot.

Keep up the great work ladies and hope all of you reach your goals.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Starting Somewhere

So, as I mentioned earlier I am not a runner. I get really bad shin splints and I have no endurance. I can't even run a mile without passing out. I need to slowly build up my endurance and so I plan on running as long as I can starting today and each day increase it by a minute or two. I know that sounds pathetic, but I gotta start somewhere. 

As far as my diet goes, I need to make some major changes. I have a HUGE sweet tooth. Mostly cookies, but I love all sweets. It's really going to be hard for me to cut out sugar but I need to try. Any healthy recipes would really help. I'll update you all on my status at the end of the week.

Blog list

So I finally added all of our blogs to the side, so we can get to know eachother better. If I've added anybody who DOES NOT want to be there, just let me know. Also, if I've missed someone, send me your blog link again. I think I've only missed Hannah, because I don't know yours, and Shellie (my mom) because she doesn't have one.

I'm at home still, and doing...hmm...we'll say OKAY. I'm fine exercising, but my brother's homecoming yesterday was a little tough. There were cookies EVERYWHERE! ALL DAY LONG! I'm starting strong today though, and I think I'm going to go running with James' sister who is going to be running a half marathon in 2 weeks. Amazing huh. She usually runs about 3 miles a day, and then builds up on Saturdays. Last Saturday she went 9 miles. I can't even imagine! Anyway, I'll catch up to ya later! Hope you're all doing well as we end up the Summer!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hello Ladies

Hi everyone! I'm new to this "love yourself healthy" blog and I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Rachel and I'm related to both Jill and Jenna (I'm actually their husbands cousin). Anyway, I have 2 kids. Austin is 3 1/2 and Brooke is just over a year. I have a great husband named Anthony who I have been married to for almost 6 years. We are currently living in Utah.

I saw this link on Jill's blog and after reading all the posts I got really excited because I too want to lose a few pounds and get into shape. I think this is a great way to motivate myself. So here are my goals:

1. Lose 12 pounds by my anniversary (Nov. 23rd)
2. Eat healthier 
3. Run a 5k without stopping by April 2009 (no laughing... this is going to be really hard for me because I am so not a runner)

I'm really going to need a lot of support and so I'm looking forward to using this blog site as a way to motivate myself through all you girls. By the way, for all of you out there that have run a 5k (JILL) any advice you could give me would be great! I have no idea where to even start. So, to everyone I say may the healthy living force be with you. :) 

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back from Camp

Well I'm back from Girl's Camp! We had a great time, and because of the "Bear" situation, we weren't allowed to take any food out of the lodge, which really helped my snacking problem! I didn't do as bad as I expected. Plus, on Wednesday, we wen't on a massive hike, and really worked our legs. Then on Thursday we wen't on a 3 hour canoe trip down the Teton River and got a pretty good arm workout. Somethings better than nothing!

Anyway, since I have a big week this week, (we're going home for my highschool reunion on Saturday, my brother's Homecoming on Sunday, and my Anniversary this week as well,) I decided to really hit it hard since I got home on Friday. I decided no treats until I'm home. Yep. It's only Tuesday, but I'm still sticking with it! (Minus a piece of Zuccini bread, but hey...does that really count? It is a vegetable!!!)

As far as my goal goes, I'm only down to 133, and I was hoping to be down to 130 by this weekend. Oh well. I still feel pretty good about myself, because I've been trying and I think that's all that matters. If I keep working at it, I'll get there.

Goals this week: No treats until I'm back in Utah. ----then....SPARINGLY!
Drink more water.
Exercise everyday except Sunday.
Run on Wednesday, and at least once when I'm home.

How are the rest of you doing? Mom? Melissa? Haven't heard from ya in awhile! I'm still keeping tabs on ya!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Back in the saddle!!

I know that the title is funny, but I'm in my husband's small hometown and it always turns me into somewhat of a cowgirl. :) Life has been extremely crazy to us lately. We had a huge 24th of July party (a state holiday in Utah), then the progressive dying of Paul's grandmother, and my little baby's 1st birthday. Anyway - suffice it to say that any thoughts of a healthy lifestyle are completely kaput.
OK - sorry that I haven't put anything about me on here, though. My blog is Feel free to visit to find out more about me. :)
Now - on to my new plans. I don't know how many of you are LDS, but I've had a hard time with fad diets lately because of my faith. The Word of Wisdom teaches to eat meats sparingly, and even the diet I am on says to eat meats ALL DAY LONG. So, I have modified my goals. Now, first off, I have to say that this will not take effect until probably next Monday. We still have a funeral and wedding to go to this week. My inspiration comes from this article:
I am going to buy lots of fruits, vegis and whole grain foods. I will eat healthy - but not yucky stuff or too much of 1 food group. I also plan to watch my portions and my snacks. Last of all, I am going to start running. I ran a lot while I was college, but have lost the fire. I am going to upload my favorite songs onto my ipod and find a time to run the 3 miles that has taken me an hour a day to walk. I really really want to run a 5K like all my friends are doing. So, I will keep everyone updated!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I have lost 4.4 lbs this week. I am so excited. I have 35.6 to go. Not a big deal!! I walked M-F this week and was too tired to walk this morning, plus some how I got a blister on my left foot and I need to let it heal.

Hope all of you had a great week also.