Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hello Ladies

Hi everyone! I'm new to this "love yourself healthy" blog and I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Rachel and I'm related to both Jill and Jenna (I'm actually their husbands cousin). Anyway, I have 2 kids. Austin is 3 1/2 and Brooke is just over a year. I have a great husband named Anthony who I have been married to for almost 6 years. We are currently living in Utah.

I saw this link on Jill's blog and after reading all the posts I got really excited because I too want to lose a few pounds and get into shape. I think this is a great way to motivate myself. So here are my goals:

1. Lose 12 pounds by my anniversary (Nov. 23rd)
2. Eat healthier 
3. Run a 5k without stopping by April 2009 (no laughing... this is going to be really hard for me because I am so not a runner)

I'm really going to need a lot of support and so I'm looking forward to using this blog site as a way to motivate myself through all you girls. By the way, for all of you out there that have run a 5k (JILL) any advice you could give me would be great! I have no idea where to even start. So, to everyone I say may the healthy living force be with you. :) 

1 comment:

Rolyndia said...

Welcome to the group!! Good luck on your goals.