Monday, August 29, 2011

16 weeks

So, I am now at 16 weeks along. The sad thing is, I'm bigger this pregnancy than my last 3, and I was in better shape this time to begin with! How lame-o is that?! Anyway- here are some updated pics of the belly.... We have had a crazy few weeks. Kids starting school, buying a new house, packing, moving, un-packing...etc. It's been nuts. I've been exercising through it all, but very lightly. (Mostly just walking.) But...I have NOT been eating very good. I had a hard time eating really healthy when I usually didn't want anything because I was sick. When I COULD eat, I used the excuse that I never usually wanted anything, so when I did, I was going to eat whatever finally sounded good! Bad idea. The past few weeks haven't been great ---eating-wise--- but I'm doing better now. I'm no longer nauseated...(FINALLY), and have found more motivation to cook more, and eat better again. My exercise is still modified, (obviously) but I've been trying to walk 40 minutes-1 hour every day (pushing strollers, and walking hills) to give me a decent workout without too much intensity.

I did go to the doctor's today and the funny thing is that I haven't gained a pound! How is that possible???! I figured I would've gained something since I can't fit into my clothes anymore, but nope. I'm okay with that though! I hope you are all doing well still, and I'll let you know in a few weeks if we're having a boy or a girl!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Is it bad that I have no motivation to do anything? I am still working out and watching what I eat as I stick it in my mouth. I have not gained nor lost any weight, but I am not happy with where I am at physically. I need the motivation again.

So I decided that I am going to start my P90X workout from day one and follow the eating program I have posted a few weeks of on here. My reward for this goal in 90 days is to have pictures taken. I have not had a picture of myself professionally taken since this picture was taken 23 years ago. I think it is time and a great motivator. I decided that if I start tomorrow that in 90 days it would be October 26th. I am calling today to schedule the photo shoot.

Here is to MOTIVATION! I can't wait and I am super excited and scared, but I will reach my goal.

Hope you are all doing great and find that motivation to help you reach your goal too.