Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My first 5k

Well, I accomplished my goal! I ran a 5k! You can read more about it on my blog here. I could not run it as impressively as Cami Jo in 30 minutes but I did it and it was mostly uphill. I feel very happy and keep thinking about doing another one!

But I am also happy today bcse for the first time in a veeeeeeerry long time I did not feel the dreaded muffin top. You know when your waist puckers over your pantline. And I think it's due to my diet and workout regime. Last week, in preparation for the 5k I ran a 5k 2x, did plyometrics, ran 2.5 miles one day and rested the day before. Then of course the 5k. But I've run a lot in a week before and not lost my muffin top. I really think that, for my body type, diet is very important. As I mentionoed a few posts ago my husband and I have started a new work out/diet regime. It was his idea so it's been great to have his support. He wanted to get buff and I wanted to lose weight. It's called P90x or beachbody. At first I didn't like the idea of turning my body into a washboarded beanpole. But I don't think I will. I was also skeptical of the diet. Fearful and stressed even. but I realized it's bcse I do not like to change my eating habits. I was so used to my comfort foods and emotional eating. I did not think, mentally, I could control my appetite. But in the last week and a half that we've done this I've been amazed! Yes, the workouts are 6x weekly, 1 hour daily. It's a big commitment in that area but it's the dieting that I thought I would struggle with. But they spell everything out for us. It does take time, a little more $ and more meal planning efforts to keep up the diet but it's like having our own dietitian. Basically, we're not allowed sugar (except honey and 1 serving of fruit or dried fruit), A LOT of protein in the fat burning phase, 1 carb a day and less dairy and fat. We're allowed snacks and put protein powder in drinks, protein bars, etc. It's really strict but I've already noticed the difference! Anyway, this is turning into a novel....check it out if you want to really make a difference. It's a 9o day program and does cost about $150 to get started. But it's a lifestyle change for our whole family. (we will be able to eat more carbs and less protein by the end) And my muffin top is going away! Size 1o/12 jeans, here I come!