Monday, August 11, 2008

Starting Somewhere

So, as I mentioned earlier I am not a runner. I get really bad shin splints and I have no endurance. I can't even run a mile without passing out. I need to slowly build up my endurance and so I plan on running as long as I can starting today and each day increase it by a minute or two. I know that sounds pathetic, but I gotta start somewhere. 

As far as my diet goes, I need to make some major changes. I have a HUGE sweet tooth. Mostly cookies, but I love all sweets. It's really going to be hard for me to cut out sugar but I need to try. Any healthy recipes would really help. I'll update you all on my status at the end of the week.

1 comment:

Cami Jo said...

Good for you! If I can run, you can run. Before this summer, I couldn't ever (not in elementary, not in middle school, not in highschool, and not in College!) run even a mile without stopping.
Just start slow, and you'll be great. A partner also helps.