Monday, January 31, 2011

Here again

Sorry I haven't been here the last little while. I have been swamped with so many things for work, church, and home that I haven't had much time to do anything else. So I'm back with an update. Things haven't gone very well. The weight I lost, I put back on because I've been stressed. It felt so good to lose what I did and now I feel worse for putting it back on. But I'm not going to give up. Although, I've been doing some thinking. I wonder if I'm taking things TOO easy to start off with. Maybe I should be more aggressive? Anyway, here are my goals for this week, we'll see how it goes.

*Fill up and drink my water bottle 3x
*Go to bed before 10:30pm
*Exercise while watching TV at least 4x
*No eating after 7pm
*No buying sweets

Rolydia, how is your raw food diet going? Cami, did you get a personal trainer at the gym or are you doing it yourself? Good luck ladies!

1 comment:

Cami Jo said...

Those are great goals. Good luck with the water. I just honestly don't have enough time in my day to pee that much!!! I'm trying to drink at least 64oz or more though! No...I don't have a trainer. I'm just doing it alone...(well, my neighbor works out most of the time with me in the mornings, so that REALLY helps keep me going.) I think everyone should have an exercise partner! Good luck losing the weight again. You did it once, you can do it twice, right?!