Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lab Results...

I've got a lot of work to do. Here are the basic results of my lab tests from the gym. If you don't care to look...I don't blame ya.

Blood pressure: 114/54 Normal. (this was good.)

Cardiovascular: 36.2

These numbers probably mean nothing to you, but 36.2 was in the Moderate range. under 26 is Very Low. 26-30 was Low. 31-35 is Fair. 36-40 is Moderate. 41-44 is Good. 45-49 is Very Good. Over 49 is Elite.) So...I didn't do too bad there, but I kind of expected it to be higher with how much I exercise. I guess I'll be stepping my cardio workouts up a notch or two.

Strength: 51 (lbs)...this was for biceps.... (I was in the Average range) 0-25 =Poor, 26-38=Fair, 39-58=Average, 59-75=Good, and over 75=Excellent. So...once again I'm average. Not good, but not bad either.

Flexibility: 17.2 (inches) Here's my time to the scale, I'm finally in the excellent range. However, flexibility is the one category that doesn't probably matter too much anyway. Oh well, though. I was excited. Anything over 16.7 inches is Excellent.

Body composition: 35% body fat. Not good at all!!!! I'm so frustrated with this. Anything over 30 is High.......My first goal is to get UNDER 30%!!!!!! Wish me luck! more thing.....My "Body Age" is 29, eventhough I'm actually only 26. I guess that's what having 3 babies does to ya! The "obtainable Body age" for me would be 19, so I guess I have to work on that too. I guess that they get this from totalling all the results together somehow. Kind of interesting.


Rolyndia said...

That was very interesting to read. I would love to have this done, but don't know of any one here that does it. I do know that my body fat is 30%. Which I am not happy about, but it will get better. I will be 43 yrs old in May and would love to know what my age is for the test.

Keep up the great job you are doing!

Michelle said...

Very interesting. I'm still surprised your body fat is that high, you wouldn't think so looking at you! Good luck trying to get it down. If anyone can do it, YOU CAN!!