Monday, June 20, 2011

Little setback...

So, I've come across a little setback. Not one that I'm ashamed of though. I found out that I am pregnant again. Hooray for me! I'm about 6 weeks or so along and am due Feb. 14th. Valentine's Day. How sweet, huh?'s time to make some changes in my exercising routine. I still will exercise 6 days a week, but I'm going to have to tone it down. Right now, I don't feel like I'm straining, but I'm nauseated and SO TIRED, that it's hard for me to run anymore. I tried today, and got a few miles in, but I had to walk up the hill (which I normally run) and I pretty much felt like I had just finished a 10k when I was done! Yikes. That came fast. I was getting in REALLY good shape, and now I've lost it in a matter of a few weeks! I will hopefully be able to at least walk on the days I feel really sick so I can stay in the routine of things.

Also- eating is another trick. I have to eat all the time or I get even more sick, but during the first trimester nothing sound good! I'm going to realy try hard to eat healthy this pregnancy though, so I only gain what I gained wth Madison (25 lbs.) The doctors say to gain between 25-35lbs for my height/weight, so I'll shoot for the lower! Wish me luck girls.

My goals are going to be different now, but still I'm just aiming to be Healthy! Aren't we all?!


Michelle said...

SHUT UP!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! That's the best kind of setback. :D SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!

Rolyndia said...

That is so exciting. You could try the meals I have been posting. They are healthy good for you meals. Good luck! I know you will do awesome through your pregnancy.

Erica Bazil said...

Oh yay! Congratulations!!! I know just what you mean about feeling SOOO tired lately. While I know there are multiple reasons, I think some of it is that we've been so non-stop busy lately. I keep saying "when July comes, everything will get better!" Certainly once July comes (or maybe August) things should get better for you too - at least hopefully you'll be less sick and food will sound good again right!? Good luck! I'm so excited for you and your family!

brent. britney, and ryan. said...

i hear ya sister! congrats on your belly bean ;)