Saturday, December 26, 2009

Nose dive

I took a complete nose dive this last week with my eating and have gone crazy with the treats. I am sick up to my hairline with sweets and starting tomorrow back on track with eating healthy and excersing. I have exercised all week, but I don't know how much it really counts because of all the sweets.

I know it is Christmas, but I over did it and have thrown ALL the treat/sweets out the door with the trash this morning.


Cami Jo said...

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO glad I'm not alone! I've been exercising fine, but the chocolate!!!! Oh the Chocolate! I can't handle it sitting on my counter all day! I don't have the luxury of throwing it all out though, since I'm living with my sister-in-law for a few months. What am I going to do? I exercised for 45 minutes hard this morning, and then ate like crap all day long! I felt so awful and guilty by this evening that I hopped on the elipticle for an hour and burned 750 calories to try to make myself feel better! Better luck to the both of us tomorrow!!!! Good for you for having the will power to throw it out!

Rolyndia said...

I throw all of ours away also. It was driving me crazy and my kids were going crazy from all the sugar! Hope things are going good for you and your work outs are a success.