Friday, December 11, 2009

Broke Down

I finally broke down and started the P90X Lean program. It is amazing, hard, fun and rewarding to see the changes in my body. I am on week 4 and have 8 more weeks to go to finish. I think when I finish I am going to try the Classic program! I hope all of you are doing great with your weight-loss goals. I am lookingforward to this new year and new goals!!


Cami Jo said...

Good for you. Is it pretty expensive? Let me know how much it helped. I would love to hear more about the program. Keep it up. It'll be rough throught the holidays, for me anyway, but we can do it!!!!

Rolyndia said...

Cami, I got it from QVC and it was cheap ($125.00) compared. It is SO worth the money. I am on week 6 and can see a hugh difference and people have been asking me like crazy if I have lost more weight. Which I have not, but I am doing the lean program and it is REALLY helping. It is a KILLER workout, but I am enjoying it. In the words of Bob the Builder, "YES, WE CAN!!!" Keep up the great job you are doing.