Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm Ashamed of Myself.

Okay, So all thoughts of diet and exercise were totaly thrown out the window this week. I was out of town and it just happened. Im not proud of myself. But after having to admit this embarassing defeat I'm ready to put the guilt (and weekend weight gain) behind me and start over. Here is the plan:

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday- Run 3 miles
Wednesday, and Friday- Walk for 1 hour and do a strength video

I need to get serious about eating right. I will continue to write down everything I eat. I mean EVERY lick, bite, taste, EVERYTHING. I will stay within my WW points and no more slacking on the weekends. Cancun is just around the corner and there is no time to cheat!

I'm proud of the rest of you. Way to go! I will have good things to report next week as well.

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