Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hot Days. . . not so hot progress!

So, unfortunately I have lost all motivation to lose weight. Seriously. I don't even care. I'm sick of eating right and tired of exercising with no visible results. I know that I'm not strict enough with my diet and I should try harder, but healthy food is SO expensive. And going walking doesn't do me any good - I need a challenge. Unfortunately, my husband leaves at 5:30 AM so I can't go early -when it's cool. PLEASE HELP! :) I plan on getting back to everything after our vacation we are currently on, but any words of advice or just pep talks would be nice. . . :) Thanks everyone. Sorry this post isn't so encouraging. . . :)


Melissa E Photography said...

I hear you on the heat! I am sitting here sweating in my gross, humid apartment ornery as all get out! It's SO hard to exercise when it's hot outside. Could you do some kind of workout inside? Do you have a buddy to exercise with? I would have a hard time motivating myself to work out if it was by myself and not in the morning when it's cool. I totally see your predicament!

Lisa said...

Unfortunately, we just moved (Well, 2 months ago) into Utah, so I don't have so many friends right now - and the ones I do have don't really exercise to get in shape - it's a social thing.

Rolyndia said...

Do you have some workout tapes/dvd's you could do. The Firm is awesome and they really work. I understand how hard it is to get motivated and when I feel like that that is when I get my best workouts in, not saying it happens everytime I feel unmotivated.

Ivan, Jenna, and Allison said...

Where do you live in Utah? I live in Murray and would be happy workout together sometime. Especially if you are getting frustrated and need some moral support. Let me know.
Jenna Chatterley