Friday, January 6, 2012

Pretty much immobile.

So, I'm pretty much immobile right now.  I had to stop exercising a few weeks ago (which I've never had to do with my other pregnancies) because I would get really bad contractions the whole day when I did.  And now, I'm about 35 weeks, and feeling crappy.  About a week ago I started to contract each and everytime I stood up. To get a drink, to go to the bathroom, to walk to the kids' room.....if I was up, I was having contractions. Good thing is, they would stop when I sat down, but how often does a mother of 3 little kids get to sit down?!  Anyway- when we got home from visiting Utah after the holidays, my doctor sent me up to Labor and Delivery to be monitored and checked, and luckily I'm not dialating yet, but still having contractions when I'm up. Basically, this means I can be up as much as I can handle since the baby is safe and good, but I'm pretty miserable when I am.  This sucks girls. I HATE not moving!!!  I'm a busy mama with lots of things to do, but I guess I'll have to wait a few more weeks to get going on some of my projects, and just take it easy for now.  So for now, I'm at 35 weeks, and I've gained a total of 23 pounds.  I was hoping to gain around 25 this time total, so if the baby comes early, I may be okay......but if not, I may be over my goal. Oh well. Christmas is NOT the time to lose weight!  I love the sugar!  Anyway- I hope all you girls are doing well, and hitting it hard now that the New Year is here. I can't wait to get back into my exercise/eating routine once I meet this sweet little girl in a few weeks.  I'll keep you all posted!

1 comment:

Rolyndia said...

Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I hope all is well and don't worry, you will be up and going before you know it.