Thursday, April 9, 2009

33 weeks and going strong...sort of.

So, I am at 33 weeks now. No picture today, but I'll put one up as soon as I get one. I had an apointment last week (32 weeks), and was measuring about 31. A little lower than before. I have (or had) gained 16 pounds at my apointment, which I was okay with. I actually got sick the week before my apointment, so that's probably why I didn't gain more. I have 7 weeks at the most to go, so I think my goal of only gaining 25 pounds might really be possible at this point. I have been having a lot of pains and my doctor told me I need to take it easy for awhile and stay off my feet as much as possible. This has been so hard for me though! But everything I do, (walking, elipticle, weights, etc.) causes me to start contracting. I actually went about 2 weeks without doing ANY exercise, and it about killed me! I hated it! Anyway, I started to swim 3 days a week and I think this will be good. Without the gravity pulling down on me, I've felt great during and AFTER the workout which is nice. I've been keeping it really easy. A lot of laps with the kick board, and that sort of thing. Just enough to get my heart rate up, but not put my little baby in danger. Anyway, I'm sure I look like a big beached whale at the pool, but at 6:00am, who am I trying to impress, right? As for eating, I do it quite often. Oh well. One day I'll get back to normal with that again. I hope.


Rolyndia said...

Swimming is so good, I am sure it will help with the no gravity. Good luck over the next 7 weeks, can't wait to see pictures of the new little one.

Erica Bazil said...

Swimming is a great exercise and I think you're wise (and creative-to think of swimming instead) to switch up the exercise to take stress off you and the baby. I sure hope you don't have more trouble and wish you all the best.