Thursday, September 25, 2008

Playing Defense

Okay, I may not be as upbeat about all of this as Rolyndia. (go her!) Anyway, I've been a little...well... a LOT frustrated lately with all of this. I feel like I've worked harder than I ever have in my life, being healthy that is, and I'm not "seeing" any change! Now, don't get me wrong, I'm "feeling" really good, and in shape, but I want to SEE some results! I've been eating so well, and exercising constantly, and I have lots of energy now, but nothing LOOKS any different to me! I still weigh in at about 133, which is only 2 pounds less than what I was when I started this blog on June 28th! That's 3 months! 3 months of hard work for 2 pounds? Is that the best that I can get? It's getting harder to stay motivated when I'm not seeing any results. I know I should just be glad I'm healthy, and get over it, but it's so hard for me. I feel like I'm in some game and the coach is only letting me play defense. Sure I'm doing great not GAINING weight, but I want to play a little offense here and actually LOSE some!

So...that wasn't very positive was it? Sorry about that. But...does anybody have any advice for me? Any new challenge to help keep me motivated? I'm getting desperate here!

Here is what I've been doing

Mondays: Walking 4 miles
Tuesdays: Elipticle 30 minutes HARD. Sit-ups, resistance bands 15 minutes.
Wednesdays: Gym. Cardio 20 minutes. Weights and toning 40 minutes.
Thursdays: Walking 4 miles
Fridays: Gym. Cardio 20 minutes. Weights and toning 40 minutes.
Saturdays: Elipticle or Tae Bo
Sundays: Relax!

I've tried to change up my exercises everyday, to get better results. I also need to buckle up again with eating. I've had a couple of days to pity myself, and I've eaten too much cake and candy. Go figure. Back to square one today, and hopefully it won't take much longer to see some results! Wish me luck!


Shareen said...

You need to remember that your body knows what it can afford to lose. I think you look great and obviously so does your body because it's not giving up anymore than it has to. I'll trade you straight across :)

Melissa E Photography said...

You should talk to Hannah! Though I sure don't think you need to lose weight, Hannah lost 5 lbs. in 2 weeks after trying to lose weight for months! She is doing a new diet.

Rolyndia said...

Get the book "The Eat-Clean Diet" and "The Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook". I got mine at Amazon. It will answer the question you posted.

Hannah S said...

Good luck. Melissa is right, I am on the P90x program and it's working wonders. Try different routines such as polymetrics and extreme yoga to break up your routine. Pump it up and cut back on those sweets! That's what's helped me out.