Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No self-discipline.

I realized something the past few days. I have no self-discipline when it comes to sugar. Well, let me re-phrase that. I have no self-discipline when I'm "allowing" myself to eat sugar "sparingly". I'm seriously out of control. I was off sugar until Valentine's Day. I did awesome. It was all mental for me. It wasn't a temptation because I knew what my limitations were. It wasn't hard to pass up the brownies at the Relief Society activity because I knew before I went that I wasn't having any. (Just like you learn in make up your mind BEFORE HAND and it's not that hard.) I have, however, been back "ON" sugar for a total of 3 days. So far I have eaten....get ready for this.... 4 sugar cookies, 3 chocolate truffles, 2 pieces of carmel cake, 1 red velvet cupcake, 1/2 of an ice-cream sundae and plenty of spatula licks of cake batter. Does anybody else see a problem with this??? I thought, for sure I would be fine to go back to having sugar "sparingly". Afterall, I had gone 1 1/2 months without it and did just fine. Boy was I wrong. I must be an all or nothing kind of girl. I tell ya though, I have been feeling SO SICK the past few days. It wasn't hard to decide to go off again. I think there needs to be a happy medium though. So I decided this time, I'll take it week by week. That way, when I go back "ON" I won't overkill like I did this time. So, I am making a point to say, I will have NO SUGAR until Next Wednesday night at New Beginnings. Then...I'll take it another week from there. Wish me luck! I'm gonna need it with all this Valentine's chocolate around. (Eventhough, I desperately tried to pawn it off on my Young Women tonight!)


Michelle said...

I'm sorry Cami, that must have been very frustrating for you! How do you feel right before/while you eat sugar? Maybe there's a trigger that you can change?? I've been trying to find mine, so that's why I brought it up. ;) I think it's smart you're taking it a week at a time. Great way to keep yourself in check! Hey, I didn't know you were in YW's again. What's your calling?

Rolyndia said...

I know how you feel too! I told myself I was not going to eat any from Tuesday to this next Tuesday when my kids have their birthday. I have eaten something EVERYDAY! But we can do it and will together. Week by week is a great way to keep track!

Cami Jo said...

I don't know WHAT triggers it Michelle!! I'll have to start paying attention more! And yes, I'm in YW's again. I was so excited when I got the call! I've missed it so much! I am a Miamaid advisor, so I get to teach on Sundays and go to Mutual. It's been great.