Well, I have only posted once, a long time ago. My name is Hannah. I haven't posted since then, because, well to be honest, I haven't lost any weight and I've gone through a lot of ups and downs in the "losing weight" department. But I have been working consistently since then. I still have a goal of losing 20 lbs but I don't think it will happen before I get pregnant again (unless I don't get prego in the next few months....) anyway, a bit too much info.
I have not been as diligent as I should have been about not eating sugars but I have worked my tail off. So I got frustrated and starting eating crap again bcse I wasn't seeing results fast enough. And then I'd feel sick and gross from eating all the junk and eat healthier again. It's the viscous cycle. And then my husband had pity on me (or perhaps bcse he wants to be more like Edward, the solid rock vampire that he does read....heehee, or perhaps bcse he doesn't like listening to me complain) and was inspired by one of those work out infomercials and bought this at home workout DVD program. It's a 90 day thing that is supposed to make you ripped. Plus it comes w/a very strict nutrition plan. Well, we're both going to attempt it starting it this week. And as the program states, I am not concerned about the excercising, bcse I already make that commitment anyway. It's the "dieting" that most people will struggle with. People don't see ther results bcse they do not follow the "rules" of the nutirition plan. But we're working on it together and I hope we can establish healthier life long eating habits for our entire family in additon to me losing weight and feeling healthier.
So, that is my long story. BUT I did run my first 3.2 miles yesterday for the first time ever! The most I've run is 2.5. And I only stopped for a little bit! I was so happy with myself! Such a high. So I signed up for my first 5k race in 2 weeks! I am excited, a little scared and ready to get running lots of miles!
Thank you all for your inspiration! Here's to gaining confidence (yeah, Roylinda!) and looking great. But most importatnly, feeling great!
5 years ago