Monday, January 19, 2009

Here I am...

I already put these pictures on my other blog, but some of you probably don't look at that, so I figured I'd let you see how I'm growing lately.I am about 22 weeks along now, and feeling pretty good. I had my little boy, Carson, (he's 3) take these pictures of me so I could update you about my pregnancy. Hence, either the pictures are crooked or my head is cut off! Oh well, I guess he got the belly. (Like he could've missed!) That's what matters right?
So, the baby is healthy and growing! We aren't finding out the sex of the baby so, for now, and until he/she is here, we'll call it "baby".
Anyway, I've been doing pretty well still with exercising, so this week I'm really going to focus on eating more healthy snacks, and drinking TONZ of water! I'm constantly hungry because I'm pregnant, but I need to eat healthier snacks instead of what's just easy to grab. I'll work on that this week!
Exercise plan this week:
Monday: Elipticle 20-30 minutes (my walking partner was sick)
Tuesday: Gym 20 minutes cardio, 40 minutes weights
Wednesday: Walk 1 hour
Thursday: Elipticle 20-30 minutes
Friday: Gym 20 minutes cardio, 40 minutes weights
Saturday: Elipticle or Tae Bo
Wish me luck! How are the rest of you doing???