Sunday, August 24, 2008

My bragging post

My past week was AWESOME!!! I didn't have sugar until Friday night at Island Park, along with a little on Saturday. Other than that, NONE! I drank like 80 ounces of water a day, and used the bathroom more times than I could count! I never ate after 7:00pm, and I snacked on fruits and vegies and whole grains (and a few sugar free wafer cookies, here and there). I stuck to my exercising goals, and I'm pumped for this Saturday's race. It's amazing how good I felt about myself all week long. I'm TOTALLY doing it again this week. It wasn't even as hard as I thought it would be. Once I put my mind to it, I was fine. Hopefully, I can keep up this motivation. I am trying to buy more healthy snacks to keep around the house, instead of junk. It's easier that way. Anyway- the same plan goes for this week, except a few changes in exercising.

Monday- Run 5k
Tuesday- elipticle 35 minutes...HARD
Wednesday- Run 5k
Thursday- elipticle 35 minutes...HARD
Friday- Walk 4 miles
Saturday- RUN MY 5k....IN MY RACE!

Wish me luck this week! I'll let ya know how it goes!

By the way, after my race, I'm bagging the running. Not that I haven't loved it, to my surprise, I've enjoyed it quite a bit, but I am KILLING my poor shins. They've been hurting so bad these past few weeks. I have been doing all sorts of things to help them like inserts for my shoes, stretches, ibuprofen before I run, etc., but I think the best idea is to give running a break for awhile. I'm just glad I've worked hard so I can say that I've done an actual 5k. This is big for me, since I've NEVER been a runner. It's great to challenge yourself in different ways sometimes. It kind of boosts your self-esteem when you actually accomplish something that was hard to do. Okay, Okay, enough babbling. Sorry if I was a little braggy today. I'm just suprised at how well I did this past week. We'll see if I can keep it up this week! Wish me luck!