I took the Body Fat % test and found myself at 29%. Not bad, but could be a lot better, which I am working on it.
As for the 7 day detox I did, I gained 7 pounds. So I stopped and went back to what I was doing before. I also picked up the book Cinch! and LOVE IT!! I have been on the 5 day fast track and it has been so easy and I have so much energy, besides having 3 sick kids. On Thursday, I start the 25 day program of it.
I have been doing P90X every morning and on M/W been going to gym and running/walking on the treadmill for 1 hour. On T/Th mornings I go to our Ward bldg and workout with a group of ladies, the workouts are hard, but great.
My goals this week:
Continue to workout and follow Cinch!
Drink lots of water
Picture my end goal
Think positive
Have a great week everyone!!