Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lab Results...

I've got a lot of work to do. Here are the basic results of my lab tests from the gym. If you don't care to look...I don't blame ya.

Blood pressure: 114/54 Normal. (this was good.)

Cardiovascular: 36.2

These numbers probably mean nothing to you, but 36.2 was in the Moderate range. under 26 is Very Low. 26-30 was Low. 31-35 is Fair. 36-40 is Moderate. 41-44 is Good. 45-49 is Very Good. Over 49 is Elite.) So...I didn't do too bad there, but I kind of expected it to be higher with how much I exercise. I guess I'll be stepping my cardio workouts up a notch or two.

Strength: 51 (lbs)...this was for biceps.... (I was in the Average range) 0-25 =Poor, 26-38=Fair, 39-58=Average, 59-75=Good, and over 75=Excellent. So...once again I'm average. Not good, but not bad either.

Flexibility: 17.2 (inches) Here's my time to the scale, I'm finally in the excellent range. However, flexibility is the one category that doesn't probably matter too much anyway. Oh well, though. I was excited. Anything over 16.7 inches is Excellent.

Body composition: 35% body fat. Not good at all!!!! I'm so frustrated with this. Anything over 30 is High.......My first goal is to get UNDER 30%!!!!!! Wish me luck! more thing.....My "Body Age" is 29, eventhough I'm actually only 26. I guess that's what having 3 babies does to ya! The "obtainable Body age" for me would be 19, so I guess I have to work on that too. I guess that they get this from totalling all the results together somehow. Kind of interesting.