I'M SO EXCITED! I have wanted a treadmill for years and we were finally able to buy one using our tax return! I don't like to exercise, which has been one of my biggest struggles, but I love to run when I get the chance. We used to have a gym membership and getting on the treadmill was my favorite. But we haven't had a membership in a while so I would run outside when I could. But if it was too cold or too hot, it made it hard. Now, I can run whenever I want. :D
This is really going to help me feel better about myself and improve appearance. I've worked out twice already, 40 minutes each. It feels good doing something you love! Below are my pictures you challenged us to post Cami. It's one thing to see yourself in the mirror but it's another to show other people what you look like. More motivation though right?! (FYI The reason my head is cut off is because I don't post personal pictures on the internet, but you get the idea. :) Good luck this week girls! (Cami, how's the elliptical working for you?)