So I lost a little weight the good old fashion way after I was done nursing Morgan, and then, as to be expected, I have kind of hit a plateau. Oh well. I'll work through it. But...instead of making MORE "weight-loss" goals, or even dieting goals (no white flour, no treats, etc.), I decided to come up with a few FITNESS goals for me to work towards instead. It'll be nice for a change to focus on these goals instead of weight! Here are a few that I am working on.
Run a 9 minute mile. (When I run it's more like a "slog" ...aka slow-jog, so a 9 minute mile is a good goal for me!)
Run 6 miles without stopping. (Let me clarify....the 9 -minute mile and the 6 mile run in NO WAY relate to one another. Got that? I'll do my 9 minute mile one day. And run a slow 10-11 minute mile for a full 6 miles another day.
Do 1 pull-up. Yes only 1. I would try for more, but I know my limitations. I have never done this before. Not sure I'll get there either, but I'll try. This may be my hardest goal yet! haha
Swim 1 mile, preferably in a decent amount of time! 45 minutes would be a decent amount of time in my eyes!
Do 30 boy push-ups without killing over.
A 2 minute plank with no breaks. (With good form. No butt in the air!)
3 minute wall-sit
Anyway- don't laugh at my goals. They may seem easy to YOU, they may seem hard. Who knows, and who cares? We're all at different levels in fitness and all that matters is we're trying right? I'm still using myfitnesspal, and sticking to my calorie goals everyday. Hopefully, I'll reach some of THESE goals in the next few months! Maybe you should make your own and post them for me so we can work on them together???
Remember how anybody can be an author on my fitness blog? Yeah...lately I'm the only one who posts on here, but if you want in...just let me know! It's a great way to stay motivated knowing others are doing it too!
Oh...and I'd love to be able to do the middle splits. Not sure that's really that "healthy" but kind of a fun challenge. We shall see!
5 years ago