My plans (or rather - how the dr. intends for me to lose it):
Eat my largest meal in the morning.
No carbs after 2 PM.
No eating or snacking after dinner.
(Mind you - most non-starchy vegis are free carbs - you can have as much as you want).
That is the gist of the plan. The dr. doesn't even stress exercise, although I will exercise. This plan does work - I have seen some results already, but I cannot seem to keep myself motivated long enough to see the results. So - that is my pledge! To stick to my plan! There's a group of moms that goes walking for about an hour every morning with me. Unfortunately due to my husband's work, running is out of the question. I will not run with a stroller and Paul works too early most mornings for me to leave the kids at home in bed. But I would love to work up the endurance to run a 5K with Cami, Jill and Becky. It just may not be this summer.
Here is a nasty picture of me with my kids and my little brother. I would do anything to not look like this!!!

OK - I don't know what else to post - but GOOD LUCK to everyone else and thanks to Cami for setting this up!