Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lisa's here!

Hi, I'm Lisa. I'm a 24 year old mother of 2 - - Kirk is 3 and Sara is almost 1. I have gained over 75 lbs since I got married 4 years ago and cannot seem to take them off. I recently started going to the Walk-In Weight Loss clinic here and it has a great program run by an MD and a dietitian. My goal is to lose at least 60 lbs. over the next however long it takes me. :) Preferably sooner rather than later.
My plans (or rather - how the dr. intends for me to lose it):
Eat my largest meal in the morning.
No carbs after 2 PM.
No eating or snacking after dinner.
(Mind you - most non-starchy vegis are free carbs - you can have as much as you want).
That is the gist of the plan. The dr. doesn't even stress exercise, although I will exercise. This plan does work - I have seen some results already, but I cannot seem to keep myself motivated long enough to see the results. So - that is my pledge! To stick to my plan! There's a group of moms that goes walking for about an hour every morning with me. Unfortunately due to my husband's work, running is out of the question. I will not run with a stroller and Paul works too early most mornings for me to leave the kids at home in bed. But I would love to work up the endurance to run a 5K with Cami, Jill and Becky. It just may not be this summer.
Here is a nasty picture of me with my kids and my little brother. I would do anything to not look like this!!!

OK - I don't know what else to post - but GOOD LUCK to everyone else and thanks to Cami for setting this up!

Melissa Intro

Hello All!

My name is Melissa and I have two little boys and a hubby (who I count as my 3rd child sometimes.. :)) I have been a BIG TIME slacker for the past year. I let myself eat anything during my whole pregnancy, and I hardly exercised past the 4th month. So I feel like I am starting at square one. Baby steps, right? I only have about 7-8 lbs to lose to get back to pre pregnancy weight, but I have a lot of toning to do!

I have woken up at 6:30 for the past two days and have gone running. And I haven't had any junk food for 3 days. WOOHOO! Really, the only thing I am focusing on right now is being active every day and eating good food. Nothing more specific than that. I want to establish habits that I can keep up forever, instead of yo-yoing back and forth between different phases. I'm excited to have our own little support group!

Cami Jo....update

Okay, so it looks like we've got a lot of interest in our little blog. I'm WAY excited, and hope everyone else is too. I've loved the posts so far, and I think I'm going to love having a little support group! (Even if some of you, I've never met! Welcome to the blogging world, eh?)

Okay, so for me, I did great on Saturday and Sunday, (eating wise) but we went camping Monday-Tuesday. I didn't totally loose it, but a few smores probably aren't doing me much good! I've promised myself that I'm going to be really strict with myself for the rest of the week though. Here are my goals this week:

Wednesday: Elipticle 30 minutes hard. Toning 20 minutes

Thursday: Run 5k

Friday: Walk with Friends. (We usually do about 4 miles in an hour)

Saturday: Run 5k


Moday: Walk again with Friends

Tuesday: Elipticle

Okay, that's my plan. I'm also still sticking to 3 treats this week. Oh boy. What have I gotten myself into? Once I say it out loud, I'm kind of stuck! That's good though right? I figure I have a YW party planning meeting, and I'm in charge of refreshments today, so that will be one treat. Then, I'm sure I'll have something on the 4th at a BBQ I'm going to. Then, I will limit myself to one more treat until Next Wednesday. Think I can do it? OF COURSE I CAN! I AM AMAZING!!! (I tell myself that all the time, even when I don't believe it! It's good for ya!)

Okay, as for the rest, I'll keep working on the same goals as before. More water, nothing to eat after 7:30pm , etc! I'll post next week to let you know how I did!

Thank Goodness for ALMONDS!