These are NOT "before and after" pictures, because I'm planning to take the pictures again in a few more months for my "after". These are my "Betweeners".
I've been putting it off long enough. "I don't think they will look any different yet, maybe I'll wait a few more weeks."
or, "I'll take them after I've gone without any treats for awhile", or "I'll wait until I'm not on my period and don't look so bloated!" etc. You get the idea.
or, "I'll take them after I've gone without any treats for awhile", or "I'll wait until I'm not on my period and don't look so bloated!" etc. You get the idea.
I ate horrible all weekend with my family in town, had too much sugar yesterday for Easter and am currently VERY bloated, but here ya go anyway!
I honestly can't see much change in these pictures, but I promised to post them, so here they are! Hopefully, I'll notice more change the next time around!
(My arms are DEFINITELY stronger now, but that pictue did NOT do them justice. You can just take my word on that one.)


Most of my muscles are a lot stronger then they were a few months ago, actually, but that's hard to see in a picture. I notice I can do a lot heavier weights now (and for longer periods of time) and I can actually see a bigger definition in my calves, arms, and shoulders
when I flex, so that's a plus.
when I flex, so that's a plus.
I need to really cut back the treats...especially after the Easter Holiday when it's around more. I'll keep you posted next week on how I'm doing! Good luck girls. I wanna see yours now!