Monday, December 31, 2012

Before and After pictures....


I still have a ways to go to be at my ultimate goal, but I'm not gonna lie. I feel pretty good about the progress I've made and the self-discipline I've kept. 

I'm down 27 pounds, and have been able to maintain what I've lost through the Holidays!  (Hooray!)  
 It's not been easy.  I've stuck to my calorie goals and kept exercising even when I wanted to be lazy and eat orange sticks. I did have more sweets than I would have liked, but I'm going off treats until Valentine's Day, just for extra help.
It's funny to me that maintaining a healthy body weight can be so easy for some, and so hard for others. But, I guess we all have our different struggles in life. Just glad that MYstruggle motivates me to be healthy!  

Here's to 2013!! Let's see what we can do girls!

1 comment:

Erica Bazil said...

Great job - you really do look fantastic! I stopped exercising since Thanksgiving basically - just because I guess I felt too busy but I'm hoping to get back to it next week (when my kids go back to school and we're back to a semi-normal routine:) then maybe I'll start making some goals and posting on here! Yay!