Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My week

I have been sick this week so some goals went out the window. I haven't worked out because I was too sick to. I have been drinking a lot of Gatorade though. It was the one thing I could keep down. I have gone to bed early a few times, that's been good. And I've been keeping an eye on the HFCS and not eating it. So, despite being sick it hasn't been too bad of a week. I didn't make any new goals this week but I will next week! I'm going to start weighing myself on Saturdays to see if I gain or lose weight. I'm worried to see where I will be at this weekend. It probably won't be pretty. :P


Cami Jo said...

eat as much as you can before you weigh, because then you have a better chance of losing the weight next saturday! J/K. Good luck. Sorry you are sick. Hope you get feeling better soon!

Rolyndia said...

Hope you are feeling better soon.