Friday, December 3, 2010

mid-week reminder

SO, I'm tired of having to "suck it in" all the time. Wouldn't it be nice just to be able to sit on the floor and not worry about the rolls hanging over the jeans? Or put on a cute shirt and not have to wear something bulky over the top to cover up the flaws? I am ready to STAY motivated!!!! Sometimes in the middle of the week it gets harder and I need an extra reminder of what I'm working for. Do I want to be healthy and thinner more than I want that shake? YES! I just need to remember that when I'm staring it in the eye. These updates are helping me too, Michelle. It's nice to have to be accountable to someone for what I've done in the week! Good luck this weekend! We can DO IT!


Michelle said...

That's the one thing I hate the most, ugh. That and walking around and seeing my stomach poke out through my shirt. :( I'm going to start working on my abs more with a program I found that does a lot of core strengthening, I think that would really help with the flabby tummy! I can post a little about it if you want.

Cami Jo said...

I would love to hear more about it! Fill us in when you can!