Friday, August 13, 2010

Winter's coming...

So, how is everyone doing???? Summer is coming quickly to an end. I'll admit I'm a little bummed. I LOVE to get outside to exercise, and during the winter seasons, it just doesn't happen. How do you all stay motivated during the Fall/Winter months? It seems like during the winter I stay inside (with the food) and don't feel as energetic. Anybody have any tips to help me before the season changes????


Michelle said...

Last winter, we made more of an effort to get outdoors even though it was cold. That really helped increase our energy and motivation to do things!

Rolyndia said...

I go for a walk when the kids get on the bus. It does not matter if the snow is blowing or not. I bundle up and go. The only time I don't is if it under zero, than I stay inside.

Cami Jo said...

Good tips. I guess I don't have any excuse!