Wednesday, October 7, 2009

8 down, 11 to go

I am down 8 pounds and only 11 more to go. I am so excited!! I have been really trying hard to lose the last of my weight to reach my goal and I am so close.

Hope every one is doing great!


Cami Jo said...

Good for you!!!! Give me some tips! I've been trying so hard to lose the baby weight and NOTHING is happening! The weight is the same as it was when she was six weeks old and not she's four months! What's wrong with me??? Help me ROLYNDIA!!!

Rolyndia said...

Cami, It has been hard, I won't lie to you. But I just keep going. Maybe try a new workout or just change a few things from the menu of what you are eating. I don't know what elese to say.

Rolyndia said...

It is probably stuff you have already heard or tried, but sometimes it works. Maybe cut out one thing for a little while also. Drink LOTS of water.

Let me know how it goes.