Sunday, August 26, 2012

6 weeks into my challenge

So I am now 6 weeks into my 8-week challenge and it's going great! I'm running about 3 miles now (Pushing a double jogger...uphill half the time...) and I feel like I'm really finally getting back into shape. I've lost 8 pounds in 6 weeks, so I can't complain. Slowly and steadily this baby weight is coming off. When I finish nursing, I hope it will all come off! I found a website that is called and it is awesome. I set up my personal information and goals on it. Then, it tells me how many calories a day I should be eating to lose x-amount of weight per week. (Whatever the amount you want to lose per week...) and then you put in all the food you eat everyday and the exercises you do. It counts the calories for you (even breaking it up into proteins, carbs and fats) and it is extremely detailed! It has almost every brand of cereal and sour cream and everything else you can imagine. It's so easy for me to do! And it keeps me on track throughout the day because I know that I have to be accountable for what I eat.  If anybody is interested, check it out. It's free and it's awesome.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

3-weeks into my challenge....

So it has been 3 weeks since I started my 8-week challenge. I'm doing good in some areas, and need to adjust a little in others.  Here's my update.

I've lost about 4 pounds.  Not bad, huh?  I've been drinking TONS, eating less, and besides one day when I went crazy and had a few of the most amazing cupcakes I've ever tasted, I've stuck to my "once a week treat".  I have not even cheated when it came to not eating after 8pm, which I was concerned about, so that is good. But...I could probably still improve on eating whole wheat more. I do good for breakfast and lunch, but sometimes dinner I will have white flour. I've been good at using whole grain pastas and brown rice, but I sure love me some good white-flour dinner rolls/tortillas, etc.  I'm working on it. I've been pretty strict to keep track on my computer of everything I eat/drink. I think this has helped a ton. I can see how I did one day, and improve the next. It's good to see it written out.

As for the exercising, I've been doing better than planned. I've been able to find time to do a little more than 30 minutes everyday, and I really have been sore somewhere every single day! I'm going to step it up a notch again this week and work a little harder on my endurance, (to build it up).  I feel like I'm getting back into shape. Slowly. But it's coming.

As for my mental health...I do still need to get more rest, but I have been reading an awesome book about Joseph Smith in my spare time that has helped me keep perspective in my life. Hopefully, my next update will show even more improvements!