Monday, January 26, 2009

Don't Know What To Do?!?

As I have mentioned before, my walking buddy and I are training to do the half-marathon in June. Well, Hubby and I have been asked by our Stake Presidency to be a Ma and Pa for the trek this June. The HM is on June 13th and the Trek is on June 18-20th. I don't know if I physically will be able to do both, but don't want to give up on the HM. I will have 5 days before the Trek, but on the Trek we are having to walk 7-8 miles a day. Do you think I am crazy if I do both?? Should I train for the HM even if I don't do it? Do you think it will help me for the Trek and that I should continue to train? UUGGHH!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Here I am...

I already put these pictures on my other blog, but some of you probably don't look at that, so I figured I'd let you see how I'm growing lately.I am about 22 weeks along now, and feeling pretty good. I had my little boy, Carson, (he's 3) take these pictures of me so I could update you about my pregnancy. Hence, either the pictures are crooked or my head is cut off! Oh well, I guess he got the belly. (Like he could've missed!) That's what matters right?
So, the baby is healthy and growing! We aren't finding out the sex of the baby so, for now, and until he/she is here, we'll call it "baby".
Anyway, I've been doing pretty well still with exercising, so this week I'm really going to focus on eating more healthy snacks, and drinking TONZ of water! I'm constantly hungry because I'm pregnant, but I need to eat healthier snacks instead of what's just easy to grab. I'll work on that this week!
Exercise plan this week:
Monday: Elipticle 20-30 minutes (my walking partner was sick)
Tuesday: Gym 20 minutes cardio, 40 minutes weights
Wednesday: Walk 1 hour
Thursday: Elipticle 20-30 minutes
Friday: Gym 20 minutes cardio, 40 minutes weights
Saturday: Elipticle or Tae Bo
Wish me luck! How are the rest of you doing???

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Is everyone??

Thursday, January 8, 2009

20 weeks along...

So, It's a new year, and I'm going to try and recover from this last month of SUGAR!!!! I am 20 weeks along now, and have gained a total of 3 pounds. I kind of popped over the Holidays, and am starting to look pregnant. (I think you realize that you are starting to show when you accidentally slam your belly in the car door. Yup. Done that more than once already.) Anyway, I'm measuring at 19, which is pretty close to where I'm at, so that is good. I am still exercising 6 days a week, but I need to layoff the sugar. I've been doing much better with eating healthy since we came home from Utah last week, but I need to be really strict with myself, since I am not as disciplined when I am pregnant! As for the exercising, I will start going back to the gym next week, 2 times a week, I'll walk twice a week for an hour, and do the elipticle for 20-30 minutes the other 2 days. I've had to slow it down a little, since I'm much more out of breath than I use to be, but I'm sure that's normal. are you girls doing???


Hi. My name is Erica Bazil. I met and became great friends with Cami while I lived in Pocatello for a few years. She encouraged me to contribute to this blog way back in April I think. Well, I'm finally posting! I made a new year's resolution to stick to a daily routine that I created to allow me to do more for myself and my family (for example: exercise, have "school" with my son, enjoy scripture study/recreational reading time, etc.).

This is the most recent picture I have of myself (Christmas).

I guess I will first introduce myself: I am 24 years old and have been married to a wonderful man, Ty, for 4 1/2 years. We met in Pocatello while we were both attending ISU. Just before we got married, I graduated with an Associate's Degree in Paralegal Studies and we had just found out that Ty was accepted into ISU’s pharmacy program. So while he was going through the program I worked as a paralegal at a law firm for a couple years before we were blessed with the arrival of our adorable little boy, Cash. He is now 2 1/2 years old and never fails to entertain. We had planned on my staying at home with our children so when we had Cash I quit my job and I've never looked back.

A picture of my adorable family (Thanksgiving)!

This spring we had a lot of exciting change when in April we had another bundle of joy join our family. Her name is Vanna Marie. She is the most beautiful 8 month old, rolly-polly you've ever seen (of course, my opinion is a little biased). Also, Ty graduated in May so we bought a house and and a week after his graduation we moved to Payette, ID for a job that he took as a Pharmacist at BI-MART in Weiser, ID. All in all, we are very happy and feel like we have been blessed beyond measure. (To hear more about me and listen to my rambleings, visit my blog at or see link to your right.)

Now to the nitty gritty...I've decided this blog will serve as a good reminder for me to work harder at exercising. I think the report to the blog and accountability aspect will be key to my success. I've never been concerned about my weight but I want to tone and lose 3 inches around my waist and 2 inches around each thigh. Although losing the weight comes quickly for me after having babies, it's amazing the way they have still changed my body - who would have thought :)? I'm also noticing that although my weight doesn't change, the way my body looks is - I think largly because I'm losing muscle and compensating by gaining fat (and since muscle weighs more than fat - my weight stays the same - ugh!).

One of my favorite phrases is "moderation in all things". Therefore, I don't intend on punishing myself for exercising only 29 minutes rather than 30 or for eating a cookie or anything - I want to still enjoy life but I want to enjoy it healthier and with more energy (and looking better will just be a sweet perk!). Wish me luck - I'll be in touch.

Good luck to all of you on your new goals and efforts too!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year/New Goals

So what are you goals for this new year?? What is going to keep you motivated??

My goals for this year is to continue losing the weight I need to and to get into excellent shape. A friend and I are going to run a half marathon this summer and I am REALLY EXCITED. I have never ran any races of any kind, nor did I do track in school, so this is all new for me.

Good luck on your goals this year and can't wait to hear what they are so I can cheer you on!!