So, I really don't like to mention weakness, but here they are. For some reason, I have been feeling less guilty snacking on these little babies, because I'm pregnant. BAD IDEA! I have been great at exercising still, (thank goodness) but I really need to get ahold of myself for the next few weeks, when the sugar is surrounding me! AHHH!

For example, I decided I was going to make some orange stick cookies in a few days. (I got this recipe from my aunt and I've been dying to try it.) First bad idea... Thinking, "I'll just open it up and eat one. I don't really need the WHOLE box of orange sticks for the cookies anyway." Second bad idea...I put them in a secret drawer, where James won't see that I've eaten half the box in 2 days." Third bad idea... I bought another box to make the cookies with! Help me, someone, please!!!

Well, If anyone has any advice, I could probably use it. I do okay passing up the cake and the cookies, usually... but the chocolate? The Caramels? The English tofee???? Really, I'm going to be in big trouble!